About Me

2020 - Present
PhD in Astrophysics at the University of Exeter, UK
Supervisors: Dr. Raphaelle Haywood, Dr. Tim Naylor
Title: Breaking the stellar activity barrier to determining robust masses of small exoplanets

2016 - 2020
MPhys in Physics and Astronomy at Durham University, UK
Master Project Advisor: Prof. Cedric Lacey
Title: Study of the galaxy merger rate in the EAGLE simulation

Research Interests
I focus on understanding the stellar activity signal in radial velocity surveys for the detection of exoplanets. I have developed a python3 pipeline called MAGPy, a Gaussian process regression tool with MCMC paramter search algorithm. I am using this new pipeline in the detection and characterisations of two systems with the HARPS-N Science Team.

I am also involved in "Sun as an exoplanet-hosting distant star" studies. In particular, I am looking at the solar longitudinal, line-of-sight magnetic flux, measured with the SDO/HMI, and to whether it can be a good proxy for detecting the stellar rotational period and for modeling stellar activity.

I am a member of the High Accuracy Rocky Planet Search for the Northern Hemisphere, Guaranteed Time Observation Consortium (HARPS-N GT) Science Team and Solar Team, as well as a collaborator for the Terra Hunting Experiment Consortium in the Science Team, the Solar Team and the Polarimetry Team.

I am passionate about scientific dissemination and am therefore very active in public outreach. I especially love working with younger students and children, from visiting schools, exchanging letters to direct pastoral mentoring in highschool.

ADS Library of all papers


A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134
Including radial velocity data by HARPS—N and SOPHIE and transit photometry by TESS, LCOGT, WASP and NEOSSat.
To be publushed in: Rescigno et al. in review
Included in the following poster: MAGPy pipeline, TOI2134.01 and .02 detection

MAGPy Pipeline
MAGPy: a pipeline for Gaussian Process regression with MCMC parameter space searching algorithm, developed in the context of stellar activity reduction for planet detection. It is developed to be self-contained and flexible enough to fit any Gaussian process need. Kernels and models can be modified or added. It has a affine invariant MCMC algorithm, which can optionally be parallelized. It includes publication level plotting. It is the process of being packaged for public release, with extended API.
Published in: Rescigno, F et al. b (in prep)
To be released on GitHub: MAGPy
Included in the following poster: MAGPy pipeline and TOI2134.01 and .02 detection

Longitudinal, line-of-sight magnetic flux as a proxy for stellar activity: SDO/HMI and HARPS-N data
I am investigating the efficacy of the longitudinal, line-of-sight magnetic flux as a proxy to detect the stellar rotational period of solar-like star and to model stellar activity-induced variations in radial velocity surveys. Preliminary analysis shows that, while it is not directly correlated to the RVs, when used in a Gaussian Process regression framwork it consistently outperforms other proxies, especially in the low-activity regime.
To be published in: Rescigno, F et al. a (in prep)
Included in the following poster: The Longitudinal, line-of-sight magnetic flux as aproxy for stellar activity

Rocky Planet Search: HDxxxxx planetary system detection
Non—transiting planet detection of an Earth—like planet and a mini—Neptune using HARPS-N radial velocity data.
HARPS-N GTO Collaboration, RPS Team. Under the lead of Dr. Shweta Dalal (University of Exeter, UK).
To be published in: Dalal, S et al. (in prep)

Other Current Projects

  • Disentangling supergranulation in Sun-as-a-star observations from SDO/HMI data. Collaboration with Ben Lakeland (University of Exeter, UK)
  • Deriving point-source-like line profiles and bisector analysis using GRASS of the resolved SDO/HMI data. Collaboration with Michael Palumbo (Penn State University, US)
  • Applying Gaussian Process regression analysis to formation temperature-dependent stellar activity RVs across spectral types. Collaboration with Khaled Al Moulla (University of Geneva, CH)
  • Resolved Sun—like star simulations using SDO data with Dr. Steve Saar (Harvard University, US), Dr. Raphaelle Haywood (University of Exeter, UK) and Michael Palumbo (Penn State University, US).

Past Projects

  • SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations analysis python pipeline. A tool to analyse SDO/HMI data to study the Sun as a non-resolved star, including magnetic activity and filling factors computations. Lead by Tama Ervin.
    Published in: Ervit et al. 2022
    Simple use tutoral (developed for the Sun-as-a-star workshop, CCA, 2023): SolAster Jupyter Tutorial

Teaching and Outreach




2021, 2022

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Level 1 Astronomy Laboratory, Dept. Physics, University of Exeter
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Level 2 Astronomy Laboratory, Dept. Physics, University of Exeter
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Communication Skills Module, Dept. Physics, University of Exeter
Module Developer, Lead and Graduate Teaching Assistant, Communication Skills Module, Dept. Physics, University of Exeter







ExoClimes VI Outreach Event, in collaboration with the Exeter Science Centre, general public talks
I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here, Live Talk Show, Exoplanet Specialist
Somerscience Festival, The Science of Climate Change, Exeter Science Centre, festival attraction
Letters to a Pre-Scientist, STEM professional Pen Pal, mentoring a 8th grade student from a disadvantaged area in Georgia, USA
Cubs and Beavers Astronomical Badges, Cubs and Beavers Scouting Groups, ages 8-10 and 6-8, Speaker and Event Leader, Newton Abbot, UK
Routes Network Workshop 'Migration Futures', Discussion about future types of migration, Invited Speaker and Panellist, Exeter University
Futures 2022, Agile Rabbit, Interactive Presenter and Invited Speaker
Sciencedipity Workshop, Exeter Library, On-hand Scientist
Breaking the Ice: Exeter's Pop-up Science Centre, Exeter Science Centre, Invited Speaker and On-hand Scientist
Science Day, Astronomical Badge, Brownies Scounting Group, Speaker
Henrietta Lewitt Day, Links to a Life, Park School, Invited Speaker
Careers in Science Day, Norwich School, Invited Speaker
NSC Lead Educators Address, National Science Centre, Invited Speaker
National Science Center Takeover, Invited Speaker
Great Conjuction Event, Scientific Mediator and Children Outreach Lead, Exeter Science Centre. Website can be found here. It is featured in an article in A&E
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Board, Committee Member